Jersey Shore Region Porsche Club of America
Driver Education
Driver Education event on the Thunderbolt Circuit at NJMP Aug 7-8, 2024.
This event precedes the PCA Club Race on the Thunderbolt circuit. This event is open to a limited number of students again in 2024. Limiting factor for student enrollment will be the number of registered instructors. Students and instructors must sign up for both days. Solo drivers have the option to attend for one or two days. For student and solo drivers participating for 2 days, a $50 early registration discount will be in effect if payment is made prior to 6/1/24.
Registration Fees:
Students: $650 for 2-days ($600 prior to 6/1); $475 for 1-day
Solo Drivers: $550 for 2-days ($500 prior to 6/1); $400 for 1-day
Instructors: $175, 2-days only
Intro to DE: $150 for one session
Before signing up, please ensure your profile is up to date, including the car you will be driving and your driving experience. Once you sign up, a change to a different car in your profile must be requested in writing to the registrar.
This is a DE, not a race or practice for a race, and will be run under PCA HPDE Rules and Regulations. All non-driving coaches (for solo drivers) MUST register and pay the entry fee in advance. If you are a driver wishing to use a coach, please direct him/her to register prior to the event.
IMPORTANT! Registration is NOT complete until payment is made. Payment should be made online by credit card at the time of registration. If it is necessary to waitlist drivers, note that it is the payment date --NOT registration date-- that determines a place in the waitlist queue.
New requirement for 2023: Drivers of cars with auto-braking and/or lane change assist features must be able to (and demonstrate that he/she can) toggle those features off at the track. Please note that cars that do not have the ability to disable these features CANNOT drive on the track.
Please consider joining us or just come down to see what it is like. We also offer what we call “Parade Laps,” which is taking your car on the track at low speeds to get a feel of driving on the track. No helmet is required for Parade Laps, and they will be held both days between 12:00 and 1:00. The Ray Catena Auto Group is sponsoring this year’s event, and we do request a $20 donation for St. Jude’s Children Research Center on behalf of them.